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Gluten Free Recipe Author

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A  Little Bit  About  Laura Lea:


I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2011, and like my grandfather before me I began the road to recovery. As time went on though food became something that you had to eat, but not really enjoyed. So I began trying different ways to make my old favorite recipes gluten free. After much trial and error I wanted to find a way to start bringing you the successful recipes so that you too can truly Enjoy Living Gluten Free!



A  Little Bit  About  The Logo:


Living gluten free is a must for people who have Celiac disease, and that can be very confining. Like all food allergies you can begin to feel trapped and dissappointed when those around you are enjoying food that you can never eat again. The logo contains a bird which is a symbol of freedom, and red because it is my Dad's favorite color and both my Mom and He have been strong towers throughout my entire life. Yellow is the color of sunshine, and when you start enjoying to eat food again the sun truly does come out.


So don't just live, really enjoy living gluten free.


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