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Gluten Free Menus in Your Restaurant

If you like to eat out at new restaurants or even at your old favorite then you know how important a menu can be! Without the menu you really just don't know what you can eat, and may even want to go elsewhere. The same is true of those who have celiac disease or other food related illnesses and allergies. Without a menu we are left floundering for options, and we also waste a lot of your employee's time with our questions.

So take a lesson from the experts, and provide your customers with a gluten free menu if you offer such natural options. The olive garden has the same menu every time we go there, but I still love to look at it to see if anything new has been added, and you know what their menu is less than a page of options. But it makes me happy to know that the restaurant cares about me.

What if you offered a gluten free fruit salad for dessert? Most likely it really is gluten free naturally. Without a menu your customers don't know for sure without asking you, and in turn they take up valuable time.

Maybe save your employees some time, and make your customers feel important by simply taking time to create a gluten/allergy menu. I think they will re-pay you time and again with their smiles!

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